

The Scientific Approach to Buddhist Study¡Xthe Human Life Science (IX)

The Alternative Gene Therapy ¡V Energy Catalyst ¡V

The Secret of GP Deva Energy


From the viewpoint of modern science, GP Deva energy is an energy catalyst that transforms to meet the various needs!
It provides the transition energy needed to activate genes to improve the abnormality.


Lecturer/Sun-Don Lee (Leader of Forshang Buddhism)
Compiler/Li-Kang Ho (Professor, Department and Institute of Pharmacology, National Yang-Ming University)
Translator/Helena Chou (Resident Professor of Forshang Buddhism World Center, L.A. Branch)

In English conversation, the word "chemistry" is often used to describe things or concepts that are hard to understand. "What is the chemistry? I really don¡¦t know the chemistry." If you understand English, you know that the meaning is "What is this thing? This is something I really don¡¦t understand." These words are true in many situations in our lives while chemistry is so unmistakably described as a branch of study. There are indeed many critical points that are not so easy to figure out.

In the past few thousand years, chemistry has been closely related to human civilization since any business having to do with man involves chemical operations. The intricate correlations are usually so puzzling and so deeply entwined with physics that they could spin the head. Nonetheless, due to the great efforts of past generations and the advancement of technology, we have vaguely realized that two important factors characterize chemistry as a unique branch of study. One is bond-bond formation; the other is the catalysis. Out of these two, one is related to the formation of a new mass as well as energy conversion and storage; the other is involved in how to transform the energy effectively. Once these problems are clarified, a doctoral degree in chemistry is at your fingertips. Better yet, the Nobel prize may be waiting.

Back to the subject, the majority of people are still unclear: what is the chemistry? What am I talking about? I feel a need to explain a little bit on bond-bond formation and catalysis. I know that my knowledge is limited; however, out of sincere enthusiasm, I hope that my explanation would not show too much of my ignorance.


Bond-Bond Formation and Catalysis

Bond-bond formation and catalysis take place around and inside us continually. Let¡¦s take photosynthesis for a simple example. Bond-bond formation and deformation are heavily involved. As we already known, photosynthesis requires air, sunlight, and water, of which plants make use of to produce nutrition. Without these elements, plants cannot survive. As for the by-product of photosynthesis ¡V oxygen, it is even indispensable to a human life. All of these shed light on the importance of bond-bond formation and deformation.

As a matter of fact, our study on photosynthesis commenced just several decades ago. Further research has found that the actual substances of the air involved in photosynthesis are CO2 and H2O. Sunlight is the energy that sustains this reaction while chlorophyll plays the role of catalyst, transforming solar energy into chemical energy. This reaction yields carbonic acid that enters plant¡¦s metabolic system to eventually produce carbohydrates and oxygen for the support and balance of the entire biological system.

To express with a chemical equation, it goes as follows: (Fig.1)

From the equation on the right, we know that an O¡VH bond in H2O and a C=O bond broke to form the O¡VH bond and the C¡VOH bond in H2CO3. This reaction needs energy to complete. If we calculate the heat of formation of these three substances:

H2O -139.75 Kcal/mol¡F

CO2 -179.15 Kcal/mol¡F

H2CO3 -566.47 Kcal/mol.

we figure out that the energy actually released was 247.57 Kca/mol. Under the first impression, it seems that this reaction could take place spontaneously; however, in reality, we know that for this reaction to really take place, it needs energy (DE) to form the transition state before it really reacts and then releases energy. For details, please see Fig.2. The energy required by the transition state is the real bottleneck of whether this reaction will take place. This energy is called Transition Energy.

Fig. 2







In the laboratory, this reaction takes place under high heat and high pressure only. However, this reaction in plants is very speedy. It is clear that the catalyst plays the key role: chlorophyll and other enzymes that are involved in the subsequent metabolic process.

Therefore, how a reaction could be initiated or sped up is a significant topic that deserves further study. Some of these researches have had great influence on human civilization: for instance, utilizing metallic catalyst to produce sulphuric acid and nitric acid. Not only does this new development stimulate the industrial growth, it also affects agricultural production since it would be very difficult for the general agricultural production to exceed the population growth rate without chemical fertilizers. Although for the time being, people seem to have a great deal of comments on chemical fertilizer; however, its contribution to the humankind is definitely indelible.


The Research and Development of Catalyst

The current research is conducted mostly on the development of organic metallic catalyst and enzyme, in an attempt to reduce the amount of energy needed to reach the transition state, so that the reaction is able to proceed smoothly or speed up. The similar reactions happen in a human body at all times. For example, certain genetic diseases, such as Mucopolysaccharidosis(MPS), Phenylketonuria or diabetes, etc., that result from abnormalities of the metabolism are all due to the lack of enzymes of certain important reaction catalysts. The scientists are currently engaged in finding methods of reproduction or replacement of these catalysts in order to improve these diseases. As the synthesis of human enzymes is so complicated, it is very difficult to create a controlled environment in the laboratory. Thus, research is conducted on similar synthesis or particles in order to study catalysis reaction, or on transforming light energy to chemical energy in order to heighten the reaction rate. For instance, Breslow and Overman simulated the reaction energy of hydrolytic enzyme, added substances such as a-cyclodextrin, 2,5-pyridine dicarboxylic acid and nickel (II), and has thus increased the hydrolytic reaction rate by 1000 times. (JACS, 92, 1075-1077)

       In the case that a reaction takes a day to complete, being a thousand time faster may be still unnoticeably insignificant to most people. However, if a reaction that used to take three years to complete can be done in about a day, then won¡¦t you tell the difference? Things that were once impossible suddenly become possible.

Compared to enzyme's ideal catalysis reaction rate -- 10 12, the recognized man-made catalysts are still falling far away behind. Nonetheless, scientists are still engaged in this aspect. To name a few such researches: in 1961, Melvin Calvin won the Nobel Prize for his research on the carbon dioxide assimilation in plants. He also expected that someday we might produce oil out of plants (Oil Doesn¡¦t Grow on Trees ¡V But It Might Someday.) The 1975 Nobel Prize winner Sir John Warcup Conforth and the 1987 Nobel Prize winner Jean Marie Lehn are the scientists that have made remarkable contributions in this aspect.


Secrets of GP Deva¡¦s energy¡@

The enzyme level and function in a biological being are regulated by genes, while the structures and alterations of genes are very complicated. Yet, the resulting expression is closely related to energy. How do we keep genes in an appropriate energy environment, or provide genes with energy that brings normal behaviors out of genes?

Those special energy transitions conducted through certain fixed mass are certainly restricted in some ways. Then, are there any energy transitions that adapt to needs so as to complete its process and satisfy its purpose? That would be the same as radios or televisions. We can always tune in to whatever programs we like to listen, be it classic music, rap, drama, or cartoon. On the other hand, its functions would never change according to different manufacturers. "Sound", "light", "form" construct the three realms and that means these three aspects should be interchangeable and complemented to each other. How to make use of "sound", "light", "form" to completely transmit energy needed so that the impossible reaction becomes possible. This is certainly a challenging topic. Though current research and reaction conducted on ultrasound or laser have achieved a great deal, is there, after all, any energy form provided completely on the basis of need?

    Since entering the market, GP Deva essential oils have shown many amazing effects but no explanations were available. Among all essential oil products, why does only GP Deva perform such miraculous effects? Please refer to "Secrets of GP Deva¡¦s Energy", instructed by founder of GP Deva, Master Sun-Don Lee, based on his viewpoint about the integration of the ten great characters.

Energy is conserved, as clearly stated in the Preface to the Dharma Fundamentals, "As mass is conserved, so are spirit and energy." Energy will never cease to exist. That is to say, this is the great energy which we have stated to be ceaseless, continual, forever in exertion. We also state, "the unity of time and space, the incessant turning of Dharma wheels." Therefore, GP Deva itself is an energy that appears in the form of mass. Then, it is not just a simple mass as you might think. GP Deva is a form of energy. What kind of energy is GP Deva?

"Energy is the aggregate of all causations of the past, present and future." Finding the best materials, making efforts in preaching Buddhist doctrines to those materials, producing them into products, are part of the past. Passing the products on to you is the part of the present. Since time and space are united, energy is conserved, energy is continual, and Dharma wheels turn incessantly, what will happen to this energy in the future? And how will the causation develop?

  Those materials are also a form of being, and therefore fully possess the Buddha nature. They listened to Forshang doctrines, obtained achievement in their spiritual practice, and then became GP Deva products. It is natural that they will repay the kindness and also preach the doctrines to other beings according to their own causations, so that their Buddha nature can also be inspired. Besides, to pass on a specific GP Deva product, once made, to a specific person indicates the causation among these people until this specific product is used up. Therefore, if a product performs wonderful effects on someone and causes in him physical or mental development, it is something related to your spiritual practice in Forshang Buddhism!

Therefore, before the product reaches the end user, it would also interact with the energy of everyone through whom it passes. Our spiritual practice is for the sake of all beings. Therefore, we should have the confidence in the doctrine and in our own deeds, without doubts, because that is the way to reveal the energy and effect to its utmost extent. Now, do you understand this structure? Therefore, the effect of GP Deva products involves these causations.

"Energy is the aggregate of all causations of the past, present and future." Energy thus includes all causations of the past, present and future. These concepts far exceed your imagination. Do not bring in those rigid concepts you had before. The concepts beyond the fourth stage are never fixed. This is the way the Buddhist doctrines should be, if fully understood. This is the way the Buddhist doctrines should be. Actually, the physical development can also inspire the mental development to accord directly with the essence. Therefore, out of the integration of the ten great characters, namely, essence, form, wisdom, virtue, principle, practice, energy, effect, time and space, we should take directly the energy deriving from the essence as a way of evaluation. This is the way of perfect accordance.

(Master Sun-Don Lee¡¦s instructions on 5-23-03 in Taipei)

Therefore, GP Deva energy is derived from those who have due causations, resulting from their listening and practicing on the doctrines, as well as fulfilling the school principles. Whatever causation is needed to inspire the Buddha nature of a specific being, GP Deva would deliver it with the appropriate form of energy. Thus, its energy is versatile and adaptable.

From the viewpoint of modern science, GP Deva energy is an energy catalyst that transforms to meet the various needs! If it can affect the upper-stream gene expression of the body, and provide you the appropriate energy to reinforce the normal functions of genes, as well as the required transition energy at the right time to improve the abnormalities, is this an alternative gene therapy, or not? And there are certainly no contingent side effects as we may find in other gene therapy being researched.







Recite the above Nine Word Zen Prayer
to unite with the universal energy.

