Scientific approach to Buddhist study-- Mathematical Principle (II)The mathematical validation ofTime and Space Travel
Lecturer / Sun Don Lee (Leader of Forshang Buddhism)
How can we mathematically derive Master Sun Don Lee's energy mass conversion equation of the 21st century, E=(1/M)C2 which he derived through his inner cultivation five years ago? This unprecedented theory, which modifies Newton's Law of Dynamics and Einstein's Theory of Relativity, is a breakthrough in the physics field. In human history scientific discussions have touched on the possibility of time and space travel (black hole, worm hole, twisting curvature of time and space), but the state of mathematical theory has not gone beyond the planar or lower dimensional level. This means current mathematics has not been able to prove the possibility of the space and time travel. Without a good mathematical foundation, there is no theoretic basis for time and space travel, and even less hope for the application of the theory. Part One uses Master Lee's Cosmic Macromathematical principle (perspective of universal essence) to derive E=(1/M)C2. From this perspective, we will see if it is possible to travel through time and space to different universes and how we could do this. Part Two will use the current human mathematics and physical laws to develop further formulas based on E=(1/M)C2, and for current human understanding to elaborate on the validity of Master Lee's cosmic theory and phenomenon. With this knowledge, we encourage more scientists to use the science of the human body and life to promote a spiritually guided scientific and technological revolution in the next millenium.
I. Cosmic
Macromathematics Einstein's theory of relativity brings forth E=MC2 (1)---> the physical field We bring forth E= (1/M)C2 (2)---> the spiritual field In terms of the physical phenomena, M must equal positive or negative 1, otherwise, equation (1) and (2) cannot hold at the same time. However, we should not find a solution only by human mathematical methods. In other words, in order to get correct answer, one must take into consideration both physical and spiritual fields. Answers cannot be obtained solely through physical phenomena reasoning. This is the first point you should understand. Moreover, the equation, E=MC2, does not refer to the same condition as E= (1/M)C2. Although in this case M refers to mass, it nonetheless stands for different things. One refers to the value of mass (physical field) while the other to the obstacles of mass - desire (the restriction of freedom in the spiritual field.) From a human mathematical perspective, the values obtained from calculations are usually used as the only basis to evaluate situations and forms in our surroundings. That would not do. Therefore, we should consider it from the perspective of the simultaneous equations of the cosmic mathematics. Instead of being restrained by the derived values, we should elaborate further in accordance with Buddhist doctrines. The perspective of simultaneous equations of the cosmic mathematics neither develops one equation after another the way human mathematics does; nor does it look at the answers derived only from calculations. Rather, it puts the emphasis on from what perspectives we will be looking at the answers once derived. The beings of high technological civilization, after proving a mathematical equation, would evaluate the answers from different perspectives and furthermore, elaborate it into different equations. As a result, thousands or tens of thousands of corresponding equations would sprout simultaneously. For example, we first bring forth equation E= (1/M)C2. In human mathematics, we get solution M2=1 from equations (1) and (2). Thus, M could be +1 or -1, which is an answer in the physical field, and an answer only at the level of forms. When evaluating from the perspective of cosmic mathematics, we do not consider +1 or -1 alone but evaluate rather from the point of "zero" and come to understand that, be it +1 or -1, they all lend an equal distance from "zero." Since the distances are equal, in order to derive a reasonable set of equations in the cosmic mathematics, we should multiply (1) by (2) to get E2=(M)(1/M)C4 (3) First, lets not worry about constant C and all the possible values of E possible. We now look at only M x 1/M=1, which stands for the perfect and harmonious state of both the physical and the spiritual field, that is to say, not only is M equal to positive or negative 1, it might also be equal to any number from positive or negative 2, positive or negative 3, positive or negative 4,....... to positive or negative 8. Why is that? That is because from point "zero," all numbers are equal in distance. From this standing, different perspectives render the same value. As a result, the value of M can be expanded to any reasonable value. In other words, any substance can be spiritually energized and electronized so that the obstacle of matter is eliminated and all substance is united under the Dharma nature. In a highly technological civilization, mathematical calculation considers both the physical and the spiritual field. Mathematics becomes a perfect mathematics only when both the physical and spiritual fields are taken into consideration. This we call the Cosmic Macromathematics. Simply put, it is the perspective of the Universal Essence.
Time and Space
Travel based on Cosmic Macromathematics Such inference of the Cosmic Macromathematics completely violates the current prevailing mathematical concept that 1 plus 1 equals 2 and that you add another 1 to get 3. However, the new concept, once accepted, will allow humans to break through the limitations of time. Current technology assumes that theoretically, humans could go back to the past by traveling through space and time. However, no one has been able to prove it mathematically. Yes in theory but no in mathematics. The reason is that no one looks at time and space travel from point "zero" and that happens to be the biggest problem in current human mathematics. Dr. Stephen Hawking admitted 1998 that time and space travel is indeed possible and humans could go back to the past. However, no human mathematical calculations could surpass its current models to render a solution. How can we travel to the past? It is the biggest problem of human mathematics that 1 cannot equal 2, or 4, or 8, or 16. However, in the Cosmic Macromathematics, 1 should be equal to 2, or 3, or 4..... That is to say, 1=N, any number (see The World of Forshang magazine 18th issue P. 130.) If this stands, then today's date, June 11, 1999, should be equal to June 12, 1999, or June 9, 1999. Without understanding this, it could be the biggest problem of current human mathematics. Because of this problem we cannot travel in time and space. However, for beings in the four-dimensional universe, mathematical calculation enables them to easily invent machinery for time and space travel and that is the most important point we humans can add to mathematics! The mathematics we humans understand is very limited when examined from the perspective of cosmic mathematics. There are so many realms that are still beyond human comprehension! We should first base our inference on a brand new principle - the Cosmic Macromathematics: to all numbers, its position to zero is always equal, whether it is in the right or left side of zero. For example, let's look at time and space travel. What are the coordinates for any point in the universe? The theory, as we just said, suggests that its absolute coordinate is based on zero, from which any possible energy could be rendered. To measure by distance in space, it might take ten billion light years to reach from one planet to another. However, we can pick up energies from the different energy impulses or points along the way to add up to zero, and in that situation, relative points in space become zero. When energy is zero, time is zero and space is zero as well. In that very state of no time or space difference, one disappears from this side and reappears on the other side. That is the same concept stated in Buddhism: the end of another life is the beginning of this life; the end of this life is the beginning of another life. In fact, that is exactly what reincarnation is. That is the scientific perspective of reincarnation. What is reincarnation? That is, we calculate the value of the total karmic energy one has accumulated in this life and in all past lives, and the energy value of the place where one should be reborn. When these two values are equal, both energies are brought back to zero, and reincarnation happens. (Excerpted from Master Lee's 6-11-99 ISDN class at Los Angeles for class of Mental Doctrine in Taipei)
Inference from
the perspective of the Universal Essence Dr. Stephen Hawking said that the shortest amount of time is 10-57, but this is not true. Time can be measured by negative values: negative one second, negative two seconds... negative one year, negative two years. Because he did not think of such a situation, he concluded that the universe had a beginning (big bang) and an end, which means there is a boundary surrounding time. His conclusion came from the idea that the universe is formed from the electrons, quarks, and other tiny particles. In all his theories, negative time had never occurred to him. If all the phenomena in the universe had a symmetrical property, then there would naturally be negative time. When black holes collide and explode, four quadrants are formed (World of Forshang magazine issue 17, p114). The quadrant we reside in, including the Milky Way, is assumed to be the positive time axis. The positive infinity of our quadrant reaches to the other end to become negative 1. In a similar way, our universe's positive 1 is the negative infinity from the negative universe.
Also part of the black hole explosion is the forming of the top and bottom quadrants. The upper quadrant resulting from an upper burst is a tightly packed ball of time(in the case of real number ). (refer to Figure 1) In the lower quadrant, time is irrelevant (in the case of imaginary numbers). The left quadrant is negative and the right quadrant is positive. The four cosmic quadrants can be mathematically modeled through all the gravitational force and the inner reaction force at the time of the collision and subsequent explosion. In this situation, an infinite gravitational field will establish a tremendous twist in space and time. Time would overlap and become tangled and the space from the different cosmic quadrants would overlap. All the substances inside would collide and become annihilated. In order to prevent this from happening, a balance needs to be maintained, and the four respective cosmic quadrants were formed. Each cosmic quadrant takes care of its own time. Today's astrophysicists cannot even begin to imagine to the above phenomenon. Based on the circulating and symmetrical law of nature, this is an inevitable result. (Excerpted from Master Lee's 5-7-99 ISDN class at Los Angeles for class of Mental Doctrine in Taipei)
II. Big impact
in modern physics
With the principles of the previous article
("The scientific approach to Buddhist study--the
mathematical principle, "The World of Forshang"
magazine, issue 18, pg. 130) and the Cosmic
Macromathematics in part one as the basis, and simple
calculus and the basic law of physics as tools,
subsequent formulas can be developed from E=(M or (1/M) )
C2. We will take into account the effect of
velocity and also predict a new force field associated
with this energy formula, and establish a new theory that
will truly make time and space travel possible. Lastly, a
verification for the existence of multi-universe or
quadrants will be given. A. The mass barrier of 1/M and its relationship with velocity and the prediction of a new force Here we would like to discuss some implications based on the above unprecedented theories suggested by Master Sun-Don Lee. One suggests the brand new force, F= d(v/M)/dt, which naturally comes with the new energy form of E= C2/M. We also want to see if the mass term in these new forms varies with velocity and how it occurs. Einstein Relativity theory suggests that E=MC2 (1) and has corrected mass formula as _________ Where the "rest mass" M0 stands for the mass of the unmoving body, v is the speed of the body, and C is the speed of light. From these formulas, you probably would conclude that you could not accelerate any body or spaceship to the speed of light unless this body is a photon with zero mass (M0=0.) The mass M of a body becomes infinite at the speed of light when v= C. To move infinite mass would require infinite energy. Where would you get this energy? This observation sets one of the biggest limitations on whether we could build a time travel machine in the traditional material sense. On the other hand, let's look at the outcome of assuming, with Master Sun Don Lee, that the energy of a body always equals C2/M (in the spiritual field.) As an interesting result, we would find a formula similar to (4) for the variation of mass with speed. In the meantime, the modified momentum definition and a new force must be satisfied P= v/ M (5) Momentum and F = d(v/M) / dt (6) Force We start with the body at some state k, where its energy is (1/Mk)C2. Then we apply the inherent active force (6) to the body, changing its moving and kinetic energy conditions. Once the energy has changed, the mass barrier (1/M) has changed - this is implicit in the original assumption we are going to prove. So long as the force continues, both the energy and mass continue to change. From the basic laws of conservation of energy and momentum, and application of the well known fact that the rate of change of energy with time equals the force times the velocity, or dE/dt = F * v (7) Here we must assume a new momentum (5) and force (6) as mentioned above and use Master Lee's modification of Einstein's energy formula in the following derivation. When these relations are put together, Eq. (7) becomes d (C2/M) / dt = v * d (v/M)/dt (8) We wish to solve for 1/M in this equation. To do this we first use the mathematical trick of multiplying both sides by 2/M, which changes the equation to C2 * (2/M) * d(1/M)/dt = (2/M) v * d(v/M)/dt (9) which integrates to C2 ( d(1/M) / dt ) = d(v2/M2)/dt (10) the solution is C2/M2 = ( v2/M2 ) + K K: constant (11) We can define the constant K more explicitly. Since (11) must be true for all velocities, we can choose a arbitrary case where v= vk , where 0 > or = | vk | 8, and say that in this case the mass is Mk at state k. If we are substituting these values into (11), after some manipulation, we can get K = C2/Mk - vk2/Mk2 (12) and (11) becomes C2/M2 = v2/M2+ C2/Mk - vk2/Mk2 (13) after some manipulation 1/M2 = (1/ Mk2) * ( (C2 - vk2 ) / (C2 - v2 ) ) (14) then take the square root to get
________________ At the subluminal state, the velocity of the body at state k, vk is much less than C or let vk=0, formula (15) can be reduced to
_______ at the superluminal state, vk C, we have
_________ After similar derivations with basis in master lee's previous mathematical principle theory (World of Forshang, issue 18, pg. 134, formula 4), and the above formula (3), and M and 1/M is symmetrical respect to 1, then both are true. This time we consider M in the physical sense. We can get a general solution for Einstein's original formula (4). _________________
At the superluminal state, (18) can be reduced to
_________ But current physicists consider only the subluminal case and let vk = 0 and formula (18) is actually formula (4) as shown above.
B. Exceeding
the light barrier Formula (1), (4), and (19) were derived from Einstein's Theory of Relativity. The value of M in the physical field, regardless of the initial value as superluminal or subluminal will become infinite as it approaches the speed of light, whence the energy required becomes infinite. Naturally, the speed of light is a barrier. Any body with mass cannot approach the speed of light through any physical method. However, formula (15) indicates that the mass barrier can be reduced to zero through cultivation in the spiritual field (or in terms of scientific jargon, the constitution of a body can be electronized or energized). In the meantime, vk or v can be made to approach or reach the speed of light. Let's look
________________ Then, regardless of the initial value of vk, superluminal or subluminal, this can be reduced to 1 / M = 1 / ( Mk --> 0 ) = 1 / 0 In other words 1/M
= 1/M photon/neutrino = 1/0 ---> This means that the object must progressively reduce its desire (inertia) to zero (i.e. to become free electron, neutrino or photon). In the spiritual sense, the degree of freedom increases and dominates. Then, in terms of probability and quantum mechanics, a photon can assume any allowed frequency - in a sense it can have any possible frequency at any instant. In other words, it is perfect to say that it has the potential of infinity energy. As a result E
= C2/M ---> F
= d(v/ M)/dt ---> M ---> 0 Both equations make sense. From looking at formula (19) when v ---> C, M will become infinite, which is incompatible with the degree of freedom of free electron, neutrino, or photon. As a result, we conclude only formula (20), 1/M, this solution can break through the speed of light barrier. At the same time, from the perspective of dharma nature, there must be a new particle called L Particle*, defined by Master Lee ten years ago, which is associated with the new force field formula (16) F = d (v/M) / dt . C. The existence of a negative time cosmic quadrantLet us discuss the possibility for a negative time cosmic quadrant. E2 = (M) * (1/M)C4 (3) Then we derive equation (21) for the velocity of a particle at state k, (M * 1/M)C4 = (Mk * 1/Mk)v4 + Kk (21) For example there is one particle born with superluminal properties. Let us examine what kind of interesting characteristics it has. Equation (11) implies Kk is a constant, and equation (21) implies that as this superluminal particle accelerates towards infinite velocity, in fact, it is losing or releasing energy. Please note that this particle actually requires infinite energy at the speed of light. It turns out that the effect of acceleration is a loss energy.
How could that be? What are the implications of
this? First, it indicates that this quadrant's time is
negative (i.e. -1, -2, -3..., - It seems that this negative time cosmic quadrant with particles moving faster than the speed of light would be a mathematical mirror of our own. Indicated by equation (18), both the positive time cosmic quadrant and negative time cosmic quadrant preclude time travel across the zero time and speed of light barriers from the material world aspect. Not to mention realizing the possibility of going backwards in our own time in our own cosmic quadrant (current scientific community only discuss this type of time travel. They were unaware of and have never experienced the negative time of the negative cosmic quadrant). The negative time axis (superluminal cosmic quadrant) or other quadrant axis shows it has only negative energy, which is symmetrical to our positive time axis with respect to zero time. In this way, positive and negative energy can be balanced out. This proves Master Lee's theory that reincarnation is related to this phenomenon.
Particle* and the fifth force In conclusion, Einstein's E = MC2 and
regardless of vk = 0 or | vk | C, that govern or rule material world phenomena, from the perspective of the infinite energy required and the barrier of light speed, it seems there is no hope for time and space travel. But Master Lee's new energy and force formula
_______________ can solve this most difficult problem. This spiritual elemental particle from the spiritual field and the associated force can reduce the matter desire and the barrier of inertia. This will provide the force and energy required by the physical field to make the biggest twist in the time and space curvature for the purpose of time and space travel. This force generated by a new particle called the L Particle is the new member of the old family of forces consisting of gravity, electro-magnetic force, nuclear strong force, and nuclear weak force. The whole family is ruled by the L Particle, as it is the parent. This would be the newest discover of the next millenium and there is much anticipation for it. Mysteries of the universe, future of human being, if these topics give you a thrill, "The Ninth Seal" website ( is exactly the site for you. Welcome to explore the immense frontier still unknowen to many people, complete with all the articles of "The Ninth Seal" in both English and Chinese. * L Particle stands for Ling Yuan (which means spiritually intrinsic) particle and in the mean time gives Master Lee, under the instruction of his teacher Yuan Dao Bodhisattva, the credit for his discovery.